

(50 mins for $70.00 & 25 mins for $35.00 this includes back, neck, and face lymphatic drainage).

Shiro means head and Dhara is a steady but slow pouring of Ayurvedic herbal warm oils in a rhythmic style form a perforated copper pot. The oils are selected according to your dosha. Shirodhara,an Ancient Ayurvedic Therapy involves a continuous stream of Ayurveda herbaloils that gently sways on the 3rd eye and forehead. Highlight of this therapy brings harmony to the body and release of accumulated tensions, by helping in gently relieving stress and tension from the mind and body balancing life force (prana). It also, help to improve the functions of the five senses, insomnia, anxiety blood circulation, improves memory, nourishes the hair and scalp,releases stress and tension.

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