


Meditation, or sadhana (literally meaning “effort”), is the foundation of all yogic practices. The vast arena of yoga stands upon the realization gained from meditation. In this seminar we will explore the ancient roots of this great practice from a historical, cultural, and spiritual perspective.

Why did those yogis of old meditate and what did they aim to achieve? In addition, we will apply those age-old principles to modern day life. Alas, theory without practice is but a meaningless pursuit, so say the yogis. Hence we will interweave meditative techniques and practices throughout the session.

This seminar is a time to deepen your understanding of yogic thought and learn how meditation can become a more active element of your life. Whether you follow a regular meditation practice or not, this is a seminar for you to come and explore the intuitional and spiritual foundations of yoga. All are welcome.Upcoming Seminar No Upcoming seminar was set up yet. Spring Yoga SeminarNo Upcoming seminar was set up yet.